18-2021 Long live religious freedom !

Deepavali 2021The latest news about Deepavali festival in India (Nov 2021) proves once again, the filthy and dangerous nature of religious festivals in India.

Today’s Indian Express (6-11-2021) reports in its Headlines page :

  1. Foul air at 5 -year high, Delhi can’t breathe
  2. Hyderabad sees five-fold spike in post-festival pollution

delhi-visibilityTheir cartoon is self-explanatory and highlights the pathetic state of things.

This is what we have to pay, for enjoying religious liberty. When will we learn to respect social responsibility ?

10-2021 How I ruined my Sunday evening .

tankbund sundayYesterday, 12/09/2021, I decided to experience the much publicised traffic-free promenade, along Tank Bund in Hyderabad. Tank bund is a major artery connecting Hyderabad and Secunderabad, and runs along the periphery of the picturesque Hussain Sagar lake. And my GOD , I was so disappointed /disgusted and had to curse myself for this faux pas. This experience proves how good-intentioned schemes can be ruined by reckless , irresponsible and uncivilised behaviour by the very people who should be promoting such ideas.

I saw how filth and garbage can be spread or dumped in the name of religious liberty. They say that there is an order of the high court which prohibits immersion of plaster of Paris Ganesha idols in the lake. What I saw, was exactly the opposite. Hundreds of policemen in the area kept watching helplessly as people kept dumping all their idols into the stagnant and stinking lake. Added to the mess and filth were also thousands of plastic bags, styropor/thermocole material, with many more nondescript garbage. Vive la liberte !

The traffic-free aspect was just a farce. Traffic had to pass through a major part of the tank bund, which made the crowd more congested all over. The density of traffic was much higher than other usual days. A considerable part of the walking space (or whatever was left free) was also occupied by hawkers and street-side vendors. Blaring loudspeakers made the evening resemble more like a sojourn in hell. But who cares ?

fun at tank bundIf you ever think of visiting tank bund on a Sunday evening, just drop the idea pronto. Do not fall for all the organised propaganda, stay away and feel safe.

Do not get carried away by all the colourful publicity. (see examples above). What you actually see at tank bund will not be so good or enjoyable.

Moral of the story : If you are looking for some peace and tranquility, tank bund is certainly NOT the place to go to. There are many better places in Hyderabad, to go and spend a serene evening.

Filth and garbage, or religious freedom ? You choose !


NOTE : Readers are welcome to send their own experiences and opinions, to the author at drpartha@gmail.com .

53-2019 Yet another filthy festival (#4)

53-2019 Yet another filthy festival (#4)

FirecrackerIt is time for yet another filthy festival celebrated in the name of religion. This jewel in the crown of religious madness is called “Diwali” or Deepavali, and is due in a few days. We will of course see all the filth and garbage which usually accompany such religious exhibitions. Add to all that, all the noise, smoke and poison showered generously using fire-crackers and explosives. Factor-in the number of accidents where people get hurt or property destroyed. You have the best reason to call Diwali the ultimate nonsense in religious freedom.

The only persons who seem to enjoy all this rubbish are the businessmen and shopkeepers. They allure you with cleverly-worded campaigns filled with dubious “festival offers” , and add insult to injury.

Long live religious liberty, to hell with commonsense and social responsibility.

  1. Filthy festival #1
  2. Filthy festival #2
  3. Filthy festival #3
  4. Filthy festival #4

Is there any way to save the planet ?

Stop celebrating such religion motivated festivals, and follow the example given by Greedy Greens.


38-2019 Filthy Festival #2

It is going to be time soon, to spread filth and garbage, in the name of religion. Ganesh chaturthi, the festival which venerates the elephant God, Ganesh, is just round the corner. GaneshThere will be countless processions carrying Ganesh idols of all sizes (even almost 20 metres tall), accompanied by loud, blaring and irritating noises. The idols themselves are often made out of potentially toxic, bio-persistent (non bio-degradable) material of dubious origins. The processions will lead to public water bodies like rivers, lakes, ponds, seashore, where the idols will be immersed. Never mind the pollution and never mind the traffic snarls (and even communal clashes enroute). All the route will get littered with all kinds of garbage. Never mind the feelings of all those who do not care about all the frenzy. In many Indian cities, the festivities drag on for about ten days (or more). All over these cities, “pandals” (tents) are erected in the streets or public places, blocking all traffic. Some fanatics will take the liberty of illegal tapping of power lines in the neighbourhood. It is also an opportunity to earn money by extracting donations. No one complains, since these activities, done in the name of God and faith, are often promoted or orchestrated by men with muscle power and political affiliations.

All this, in the name of religious freedom and liberty. We seem to have an endless supply of ideas and resources to spread anarchy, in the guise of religion.

And, at the top of the list is this festival .

One more filthy festival (filthy festival #3).

Vive la liberte !