17-2019 Tying it up altogether

This page is a part of my non-traditional teaching initiatives.

Blogs : It feels nice to see all my blogs in one place.

Here, we have :

  1. blogspot personal : http://partha-the-person.blogspot.com/
  2. blogspot academic : http://partha-the-prof.blogspot.com/
  3. social concerns : https://drpartha.wordpress.com/ This blog is now defunct, superseded by my “selfpress” blog.
  4. selfpress : https://drpartha.org.in/wp/#
  5. RSS Feeds (restricted access) : https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/myfeeds
  6. XML site map

Twitter : I also post regularly on twitter using the handle @profpartha

Downloadables : There is also a whole lot of tutorial material I create and publish on the web, for all to
see and use under a CC-BY-SA license

All this is part of my “reaching out” efforts.

I fact, you can keep yourself up-to-date with these tools.

There’s a lot I learn from all the above. I learn the principles behind new tools and techniques. I learn a lot about people’s attitudes and behaviour. I learn to recognise my real friends.

3-2019 Reaching out

It is easy to be in touch with me :

You can email me at: drpartha@gmail.com or you can use this innovative contact form hosted on this same selfpress site.

Make use of any of my outreach initiatives :

You may know me already from any of my non-intrusive, non-invasive way of reaching out (listed below) . All this, is in addition to a huge collection of informative web pages located at:

All my blogs :

handshake I also contribute to and maintain these blogs:

  1. For personal news and experiences
  2. For academic events and activities
  3. For personal rants and trolls
  4. For my views and opinions on social issues (now merged with the above blog)

You can easily visit all the above and also subscribe to the above blogs and be updated regularly.

Downloadable material :There is also a huge collection of tutorial documents available for download under a CC-BY-SA license.

International : His outreach efforts include several destinations around the globe.

Tweets : And, regular tweets on his twitter page keep you updated about his recent interests, in addition to leading you to several useful resources.

You can enjoy all this, at your own will and whenever you feel like it. You are free to take it, or leave it, or ignore it altogether.
