8-2018 Support this website, support this developer
Show your appreciation and support to this website and its developer.
7-2018 Make the difference ….
Will this blog make
any difference ?
Moral of the story :: never stop trying.
Every blog like this, can still make a (big) difference !
3-2018 When the body fails, the mind need not
I have had some issues with my health, for the past few months. But, I did not let this hinder me from pushing my mind to do more things. I had to cut down several physical activities, and I managed to increase activities involving my mind and thoughts. I have created a richer and more informative web presence.
Hope this trend will continue.
Rome was not built in a day, so was this blog. Watch this space, for more exciting and useful stuff. After all, this is just the beginning.
1-2018 Blunder and fumble …. First steps to learning
No one achieved anything without trying. A person is a failure when he accepts defeat without trying. Given this fact of life, I am trying to climb Everest with just a blind man’s cane. Don’t know what I will find there or on the way up or how far will I go. But I will not stop trying.
Read more about Dr. Partha’s social concerns.