Testing … pls ignore

Adding a plugin to show maths using LaTeX in you wordpress posts is a pain.

The worst plugin experience was with WP KaTeX.

WP KaTeX : absolutely no documentation to help usage, after plugin installation. No mention of limitations or restrictions.  No description for the   recommended  jsDelivr CDN  addon.  No examples or sample sites or tutorials or support forums.

$ latex
\frac{1}{\pi} = \frac{2\sqrt{2}}{9801}\sum\limits_{k=0}^\infty\frac{(4k)!(1103+26390k)}{(k!)^4 (396^{4k})}

25-2019 தமிழ் பேசு தலைவா

வர்ட் பிரெஸில் தமிழ் எழுத முடியுமா ? என்று என்னை கேட்டார்கள் ….இதொ என் பதில்:   தமிழன் நினைத்தால் எதையும் செய்வான் .


24-2019 Feedback on Feedback

This is a sequel to the opinion-survey/feedback form given in this blog. We would love to get some feedback on the feedback form itself !

All items marked with a star (*) are essential, and cannot be skipped.

You can also send your opinion and suggestions directly by mail to drpartha@gmail.com

Thanks for giving us your opinion and suggestions using the form below:

Would like to know who we are talking to ....
We may use this info. just to get some clarifications, if necessary. We promise we will not spam you or pester you.
How did it feel when you filled the feedback form / opinion survey ?
Did it take too much of your time ?
Were the items asked clear to you ?
Describe briefly your issues, if any.

23-2019 Contact us

You have two easy options to contact us. Use this opportunity responsibly, and remember to follow these
basic rules of decency.

contactform 1. You can use the form given below, to send us your comments, issues, queries and suggestions. This new contact form was made using WPForms plugin. OR

2. You can also send all your comments, issues, queries and suggestions, directly by email to :
drpartha@gmail.com (main mail ID), OR to
profpartha@drpartha.org.in (fallback mail ID). Make sure you give the details shown in the form, in case you use this second option.

22-2019 It is not the fault of the swines ……..

It is not the fault of the swines. Why blame the swines ?

Casting pearls before …..
Almost two months after I launched this campaign, and after trying my best, and contacting many learned people personally, I find that no one recognises the pearls lying before them. No one has cared to take notice, no one has cared to react or respond. It happened to Ramanujan, it happened to many other people like him, they were all guilty of casting pearls before animals who cannot recognise the pearls. Let us not blame the swines. The indifference continues.

In the meantime, 26 April 2020 is getting closer, relentlessly.

See: Casting-pearls-before-swines

Wake up, at least now, and show that sometimes, even swines can recognise pearls.

20-2019 Why was I not born in USA ?

Why was I not born in USA ?


Unlike many Indians today, I was never attracted by the lure of living in USA. That was till recently. It all changed when I was browsing the w-w-web and I came across the website of Princeton University Press. I took the time to look around all that they had on display and I discovered many gems which I would love to own. You can browse their publications, catalogues, titles, series, and blog. Some books also make available a pdf version of some chapters. The listings are searchable by subject, by title, by author name, by date. You also get to see the author’s biography and a short synopsis of the book/title. Now I know why they say, only the luckiest of the blessed enter Princeton. If you can’t visit Princeton, make Princeton come to your home. At least try to collect a book from this amazing publisher. Beg, borrow, steal, do anything, to own a piece of Princeton University (I prefer begging).

Start here : https://press.princeton.edu/

Also see : Rome-was-not-built-in-a-day

18-2019 Made for each other

Made for each other ….

Meet T. Shrinivsan and his wife Nithya Shrinivasan (Nee Nithya Duraisamy), a remarkably well-matched couple of Chennai. Lovers of FOSS and Tamil will know this couple well. I happened to have met Shrini several years ago, in my quest to learn some typesetting in Tamil. Shrini was not married then, and lived in Chennai’s Anna Nagar. I learnt a lot about Linux, FOSS, Tamil typesetting and ++++ from him. Now, my visits to Chennai always include a few trips to Tambaram Sanatorium (that is where Shrini, Nithya and their son lead a, no-fuss, no-pomp life). And, when I am not in Chennai, I use Shrini as my SOS Helpline for all my FOSS/Linux misadventures.

shrini2Shrini is not only an active volunteer for FOSS activities in India, he is also an active contributor to the Wikimedia efforts in Tamil, and Creative Commons. He is the Chief Animator of ILUG-Chennai. He is also an active blogger in WordPress (I learnt WordPress from him). I always wonder how he finds time and energy for all that he does.

His WordPress.com blog tells a lot about him: https://goinggnu.wordpress.com/

Some interesting facts about Shrini:

  • He does not own a smart phone.
  • His date of birth is 2 years later than my son’s dob, yet he is my guru.

nithya2Shrini’s ideal partner in life, as well as in all his activities, is Nithya, a remarkably gifted person. Nithya is a guru in big data, testing tools, Python, machine learning and, of course, Tamil. I happened to attend one of her lectures at IIT Chennai, and came out admiring her style and depth of learning. Wish many of my teacher colleagues would learn something from her.

To know more about Nithya, see her blog : https://nithyashrinivasan.wordpress.com/

Interesting facts about Nithya:

  • She is a gifted dancer, and specialises in traditional Tamil art forms like “Karagattam”.
  • She is a prolific writer (in Tamil) of highly technical and involved topics.

In this selfish and greedy world, we need more people like Shrini and Nithya.

I am lucky to have you as friends Shrini and Nithya.


17-2019 Tying it up altogether

This page is a part of my non-traditional teaching initiatives.

Blogs : It feels nice to see all my blogs in one place.

Here, we have :

  1. blogspot personal : http://partha-the-person.blogspot.com/
  2. blogspot academic : http://partha-the-prof.blogspot.com/
  3. social concerns : https://drpartha.wordpress.com/ This blog is now defunct, superseded by my “selfpress” blog.
  4. selfpress : https://drpartha.org.in/wp/#
  5. RSS Feeds (restricted access) : https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/myfeeds
  6. XML site map

Twitter : I also post regularly on twitter using the handle @profpartha

Downloadables : There is also a whole lot of tutorial material I create and publish on the web, for all to
see and use under a CC-BY-SA license

All this is part of my “reaching out” efforts.

I fact, you can keep yourself up-to-date with these tools.

There’s a lot I learn from all the above. I learn the principles behind new tools and techniques. I learn a lot about people’s attitudes and behaviour. I learn to recognise my real friends.