7-2024 Beware of scam by SBI !

If you think that SBI is a big and respectable bank which you can trust, think again !

An official-looking email was received by me, from Customercare@sbicard.com on Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:08:22 +0530

Dear Mr. Partha Biswas,
Thank you for writing to SBI Card.
SBI Card: We hereby inform you that as on date your FBB card has been converted into Gold n More Employee/Simply Save card, due to FBB card has been discontinue from last year. Further card ending with 68 is active for usage. Meanwhile it is the only card is active in our record, kindly re-write us if you persist the same issue. And do share your personal details with other person. xxxxxxxxxx We would like to take the opportunity to ask you to reconsider your decision to continue your relationship with us.
Also, we wish to inform you that as on date the total outstanding amount on your SBI card account is Rs.13,756.61/-. Also, you would continue to receive your statements, till we receive the total amount due on your card. xxxxxxxx


Notice the name of the person to whom this mail is addressed (and compare with my name). Notice that the claim comes to *me* by email, and not in any written form. Notice the poor English and linguistic flaws. Notice that no date or details are given for the amount claimed. Neither is there any mention of the card number. The surprising fact is that I have never needed or possessed any credit card. Neither is SBI capable of providing any substantiating / verifiable details.

SBI is either not capable of or is interested in providing the essential details I asked for. A consumer/customer has the right to know specific details about the service or product. On the other hand, SBI wants my “personal details” . It is a violation of Consumer Protection Law to deny information to a customer. Soon, I discovered a possible reason for this denial by SBI.

The mystery deepened when I visited the SBI credit card division to find out. They did a search for my credit card details using my PAN and discovered that there is no credit card (issued by any agency) in my name. This proves that Customercare@sbicard.com used a blatant lie, to extract non-existant “outstanding dues” for a non-existant credit card. I was saved from a potential scam, only because of my vigilance and quick reaction. This experience points to a criminal offense of cheating and attempted extortion by SBI. The person at the Help Desk at SBIcards was visibly irritated when I confronted him with the facts and supporting evidence (why do they call themselves a “help desk” ?). Mails and reminders to several persons in SBIcard.com only resulted in a game of “passing the buck”. They have still not accepted their crime or withdrawn their dishonest claim.

You think that after all this goof-ups, SBI would confess its negligence and apologise for its lapses ? Wrong again.

A simple Google search using the terms — SBI credit card scam, will throw up dozens of such SBI related scams. Do not fall into such traps/scams. Stay alert, stay safe. If similar incidences happen to you, make it known to as many people as you can, and alert them.

If you have anything to add, or any similar experience to share, let me know at drpartha@gmail.com

Anything can happen in SBI. Only relentless vigilance can save you !

Only your vigilance and alertness can save you from frauds and scams like this. There are several options to help you handle such situations e.g. RBI Banking Ombudsman, Police crime branch, Consumer Disputes Forum, Press and social-media, w-w-web etc. Never give up in your fight against injustice and fraud. Truth will succeed eventually. Liars and scamsters will suffer.

PS: The mails demanding “outstanding dues” stopped after I raised a hue and cry and publicised this scam. Proof of the dishonest claim by SBI. Shame on you SBI