See :: What a coincidence ! (Part #1).
Que : Why is 2 November, “a day of coincidences” ?
Ans: Remember these coincidences:
- It is the birthday of a great man, known for his humility and modesty (me !).
- It is also the birthday of a great mathematician/logician George Boole.
Boole is the father of Boolean algebra, the basis of all modern computer systems.
(click on the image to know more about George Boole)See: the illogical death of a brilliant logician. (pdf file)
- It is the day when George Bernard Shaw (see, died. Bernard Shaw was an Irish playwright, critic, polemicist and political activist, and recipient of the Nobel Prize in literature (1925).
- It is on this day, Christians (Catholics) around the world celebrate “all souls day”, as a day of prayers and remembrance of all departed souls. At bedtime, the supper is left on the table for the souls.
- Recently, I discovered that my day of birth was a Thursday. The famous Indian mathematician
Srinivasa Ramanujan was also born on a Thursday
(click here to know more about Ramanujan).
No wonder, I am inspired by these giants !
On 2 Nov. 2022, I celebrate my 72nd birth anniversary, as I step into my 73nd year on this earth.
PS: You can add this to the list of “History’s strangest coincidences”