But who was Alan Turing ? Why is he so famous ?
If you are not too much into computer science, AI and stuff like that, you may as well assume that Alan Turing is the God of computer science. The proof, if required, comes from the fact that the world’s biggest prize/award in Computer Science is named after him, and also the fact that the fundamental (smallest) model of a computer was developed by Alan Turing ! He gave the real meaning of “computation”, at a time when there were no computers around !
To know more about this genius, see :: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Turing
But his life had a pitiable end. See : the man who knew too much .
How did I get to own Alan Turing ? I simply managed to get a 50 GBP note issued by the bank of England on 23 July 2021. Details are here :: the new 50GBP note .
I thank my dear friend Christian CHEVALIER who procured this treasure and mailed it to me promptly. Mille merci, cher ami.
I can now claim proudly, Alan Turing is mine !