8-2018 Support this website, support this developer
Show your appreciation and support to this website and its developer.
7-2018 Make the difference ….
Will this blog make
any difference ?
Moral of the story :: never stop trying.
Every blog like this, can still make a (big) difference !
6-2018 Casting pearls before swines
Casting pearls before swines.
Today (22 December) happens to be the birth anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan,
a brilliant mathematician who created some incredible mathematics which is
used in a wide variety of fields. Some years ago, after several proddings, the Government of India declared 22 December to be the national mathematics
day. Predictably, the celebrations stopped with that declaration. We continue to bask in our ignorance and indifference, given that many of our so-called mathematicians and institutions remain blissfully ignorant of this great mathematical genius. We do not even know how to celebrate or worship Ramanujan, much less understand or appreciate him. Year after year, I have tried to convince my neighbourhood schools to spend some time talking about mathematics seriously (other than routine classroom lectures). I even compiled and made available on the web, a lot of material about Ramanujan. But no one even noticed it. I have not succeeded in making any dent in their mindset. Maybe, two can lead a horse to the water, but two hundred cannot make the animal sing, if it is a donkey or a swine.
Here are some more discoveries I made:
- Where ignorance is bliss
- Where ignorance is bliss … a
sequel. - The sequel to a sequel
- Ramanujan deserves more than this
- Remembering Ramanujan
My own humble tribute to the genius, in my own little way:
“Tamaso maa jyothirgamaya” (lead us from darkness to light — a famous Hindu prayer)
5-2018 Call a spade a spade
It is no crime to call a spade a spade. It is easier than using verbal camouflage.
It saves you the meaningless effort of having to look eternally for sweet-smelling synonyms. It may make your spadework easier, and may even help you discover hidden treasures.
Finally, it may prove to you once again that
4-2018 Beware of pseudoscience
Banish all the BS which your elders, parents and people around you, have been feeding you all these years. Make your protest loud and clear. Beat the hollowness of some of the common pseudosciences, with this amazing pdfbook:
The Pocket Guide to Pseudo Science, by Andrei Mihai, Tiberius Puiu, Alexandru Micu.
The book gives you a panorama of brilliant theories like:
- Our earth is flat
- Vaccines cause autism
- Astrology knows everything
- Homeopathy cures all ills
- Detox does good for you
- Climate change is not real
Let us all learn ass-troll-orgy , for a better future.
- Religion
- Fengshui
- Vaastu Shastra
- Water divining
- Exorcising, witchcraft, black magic
- + + + many more
Some more items which deserve to be added to the above list:
Download this pdfbook (for free) today !
Now, you have a potent weapon to destroy the promoters of pseudosceinces.
3-2018 When the body fails, the mind need not
I have had some issues with my health, for the past few months. But, I did not let this hinder me from pushing my mind to do more things. I had to cut down several physical activities, and I managed to increase activities involving my mind and thoughts. I have created a richer and more informative web presence.
Hope this trend will continue.
Rome was not built in a day, so was this blog. Watch this space, for more exciting and useful stuff. After all, this is just the beginning.