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Learning by exploring: Javascript and PHP


This is work-in-progress. Not all links will work just now.

Just a few simple experiments for learning by exploring. This page is still under development and is incomplete.

What can Javascript do for me ?

Just a few simple usages made in this website :
  1. Countdown timer and page redirect
  2. Check your Password strength
  3. Rotate images --

What can PHP do for me ?

Try this testall

Just a line of bold text followed by
just a line of plain text.
fhfhgfhfgh iyaiyia akhhkhak ahahaha

^^ ADMINISTRIVIA -- drpartha ^^

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This file was last modified on: 04/24/22 (mm/dd/yy)
Comments / suggestions to : drpartha@gmail.com
Page developed by: Algologic
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