Using LaTeX for maths (ULFM)
S. Parthasarathy

ISBN-13: 978-620-2-01766-4
ISBN-10: 620201766X
EAN: 9786202017664
Number of pages: 52
Published on:2017-08-29
Book language: English

By (author) : S. Parthasarathy
Author's Website:
Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
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Category: Specialized book
Price and Availability : Visit the bookstore
You have a very basic knowledge of LaTeX, or have heard about it vaguely, or seen it at work earlier. You indulge in writing mathematically-rich documents, and would like to create them yourself using LaTeX. This book proposes an effective way to learn the basic principles necessary to achieve your goal. A huge number of examples are included, along with their source code in LaTeX. Hack the code and create your own LaTeX magic. You can now make maths more appealing to more people.
Keywords: LaTeX, math, mathematics, maths, Publishing, Typesetting
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