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Dr. Partha's LaTeX starter


But, what exactly is LaTeX ?
The LaTeX starter
Visit Prof. Partha's website, where you can learn many things yourself.

Click on the picture,
to see a profile
of Dr. Partha
(made with LaTeX)

Teach yourself LaTeX with this LaTeX starter
  1. Start with CTAN here.
  2. Begin with these LaTeX tutorials (very good collection).
  3. Latex for beginners
  4. Beamer for beginners
  5. Learn LaTeX in easy steps.

  6. FAQ on TeX A "must read" for getting a better view of the idea behind LaTeX.
  7. A Guide to the Many Flavours of TeX
  8. The LaTeX home page is a great place to get authentic information on LaTeX.
  9. Teach yourself LaTeX. Start here
  10. See this first-latex-doc -- A document for absolute LaTeX beginners from CTAN
    and this pdf version of "first-latex-doc"
  11. And one more list of TeX/LaTeX resources
  12. Read some Books about TeX and Friends
  13. Books on LaTeX for free !
  14. If you are a logician, you must see: LaTeX for logicians
  15. Free, on-line introduction to LaTeX
  16. All things LaTeX by Rob Macleod, Univ. of Utah. This is an amazingly rich collection of resources for the serious LaTeX user.
  17. Conquer LaTeX. Jump start your LaTeX learning experience. Use these templates, and surprise yourself (and those around you).
  18. Partha's LaTeX bag of tricks
  19. Test your LaTeX. Start here
Just do it !
  1. How to get LaTeX for Mac OS, Windows, Linux : https://www.latex-project.org/get/
  2. Best way to learn LaTeX : Hacking for learning
  3. Download and learn : Best way to jump-start your learning experience using these model articles (the LaTeX sources are available on request.
  4. Teach yourself LaTeX with this LaTeX sandbox

    Or, seek some help.
  5. Do it with some collaboration
  6. LaTeX forum: Seek help when you need it.
  7. LaTeX starter page, the page you are seeing currently.
  8. Ask Dr. Partha (strictly follow these rules of decency)
  9. Try Dr. Partha's books on LaTeX
  10. Ask him for seminars/tutorials on LaTeX, at your institution/organisation. (Microsoft loyalists, please abstain)
  11. Get LaTeX typesetting assistance from Dr. Partha
  12. Video : What is LaTeX ? by David Richeson
  13. Video : How I Make Presentations Using LaTeX & Beamer by Trefor Bazett

tux And then .... send a "thank you" note to Dr. Partha no-wind
with a box of good Arabica coffee powder !

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