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Prof. S. Parthasarathy
Contact (or visit) Prof. Partha

Competence + Confidence + Commitment

Today was tomorrow, yesterday.
Today will be yesterday, tomorrow.
Today will be today, only today.
Make the best use of today, today itself.
Today is a gift, that's why it is called the present.

Disclaimer cum Warning Notice
This page will give you access to material pertaining to Prof. Partha's academic activities. If you are a student, please visit this page and the links shown here, as often as you can. You will find many interesting and useful things here.
You can also send an email to Prof.Partha, if you have any queries.
Follow some basic rules of decency, when asking for help.
Click on the picture for a brief profile




There is no room for Microsoft, in Prof.Partha's world ....

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Those that know, do. Those that understand, teach.
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  1. About
  2. The other face of Partha For a brief profile, click on the picture in the left panel.
  3. CV and Research profile
  4. Overview of doctoral thesis (pdf file).
  5. Global outreach

  6. Traditional Teaching
    Discrete mathematics
    Technical writing with LaTeX

  7. Non-traditional teaching
  8. Activities
  9. Suggested lectures/seminars
  10. Endless learning
  11. French language and culture
  12. Who says maths is boring ?
  13. Downloadable material
  14. Quizzes for self-assessment
  15. Guest lectures (arrangements to be made)
  16. Seminar management
  17. LaTeX starter
  18. Free ebooks
  19. Sabbaticals and Visits
  20. His biggest blunder
  21. Linux connections
  22. Test/demo PHP programs

  23. Misc.
  24. Partha's earthworms
  25. Prof. Partha and social issues
  26. Welcome to The Professor's Coffee Shop
  27. Feynman's principles
  28. The Professor recommends IEEE's Code of Ethics, to all his students, colleagues and friends.
  29. The Professor's calendar. Consult this calendar first, if you want an appointment with the Professor.
  30. Areas of interest : Interested in knowing what Prof. Partha is interested in ?
  31. Share a secret with the Professor: You can send him confidential messages, encrypted using GPG and his GPG Public key. GPG is a cryptography program which helps improve security, using an asymetric key algorithm

Partha's coffee shop

Open 24x7 , 365 days a year !
Enjoy your black, boiling and bitter beverage BBBB, as you read some interesting stuff.
More details: Curtain raiser page of drpartha.org.in

Contact : Contact (or visit) Dr. Partha
For a continuous learning experience
googleplusHangout. You can now video chat with
Prof. Partha on Googleplus Hangout.
Ask Prof. Partha for a rendez-vous
Follow @profpartha on twitter |OR| Visit blogger The Professor's blog
email him: drpartha@gmail.com

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