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Non-traditional teaching initiatives of Prof. Partha

With Prof. Partha, the teaching does not end in the classroom.

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About Prof. Partha


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Invest in education, today. If there is one thing more expensive than education, it is ignorance!

In addition to traditional, classroom teaching, Prof.Partha has initiated several, non-traditional teaching intiatives. He believes that teaching should be : interactive, pro-active, and informative, and should not end with the classroom.
Non-traditional teaching by Prof. Partha

Inspired from the : Feynman Principles of Learning
Feynman Principles of Learning

  • If you're wrong, admit it.
  • If you're confused, ask questions.
  • If you're stuck, seek for help.
  • If you make a mistake, learn from it.
  • If you learn something, teach others.

  Knowledge isn't free. You have to pay attention. ...... Prof. Feynman  

A brief profile of Prof. Partha
  1. blahblahblah Lectures,seminars, tutorials by Prof. Partha

  2. A teacher's blog Look here for articles on topics which Prof. Partha teaches regularly.
  3. Take a look at all his outreach initiatives
  4. Learning is endless Easy, informal, interactive, collaborative learning.
  5. Sharing is caring
  6. Learn French from home
  7. The Professor's tweets : an elaborate collection of short announcements of learning opportunities.
  8. Tutorial papers and teaching material : You can download some of this material
  9. Educational CDROMs by Prof. Partha. The CDROM catalogue is here.
  10. Book recommendations: You can watch the books which the Professor has been reading
    Books by the Professor are here
  11. Quiz yourself with these self-assessment tests
  12. Web supported courses : Here is the kind of web support used by Prof. Partha.
  13. e-mail based mentoring and guidance: Please contact Prof. Partha now.
  14. Video conference, video chat with the Professor (using Google Hangout). Please consult Prof. Partha first, if you want to use this facility.
  15. Internship project work A very limited number of students will be allowed to work with Dr. Partha
  16. And finally....start a one-on-one conversation with the Professor. Send him an email now.(No phone calls please)

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