Invest in education, today. If there is one thing more expensive than
education, it is ignorance!
In addition to traditional, classroom teaching, Prof.Partha has initiated
several, non-traditional teaching intiatives. He believes that
teaching should be : interactive, pro-active, and
informative, and should not end with the classroom.
Non-traditional teaching by
Prof. Partha
Inspired from the : Feynman Principles of Learning
Feynman Principles of Learning
- If you're wrong, admit it.
- If you're confused, ask questions.
- If you're stuck, seek for help.
- If you make a mistake, learn from it.
- If you learn something, teach others.
Knowledge isn't free. You have to pay attention. ...... Prof. Feynman
A brief profile of Prof. Partha
Lectures,seminars, tutorials by
Prof. Partha
- A teacher's blog Look
here for articles on topics which Prof. Partha teaches regularly.
- Take a look at all his outreach initiatives
- Learning is endless
Easy, informal, interactive, collaborative learning.
- Sharing is caring
- Learn French from home
- The Professor's tweets : an elaborate collection of short announcements of learning opportunities.
- Tutorial papers and teaching material : You can
download some of this material
- Educational CDROMs by Prof. Partha. The CDROM catalogue is here.
- Book recommendations: You can watch
the books which the Professor has been reading
Books by the Professor are here
- Quiz yourself with these self-assessment tests
- Web supported courses : Here is the kind of web support used by Prof. Partha.
- e-mail based mentoring and guidance:
Please contact Prof. Partha now.
- Video conference, video chat with the Professor (using Google Hangout). Please consult
Prof. Partha first, if you want to use this facility.
- Internship project work A very limited number of students will
be allowed to work with Dr. Partha
- And finally....start a one-on-one conversation with the Professor.
Send him an email now.(No phone calls please)