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Dr. Partha speaks on Linux
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Arrangements to be made by the host

As part of the non-traditional teaching initiative of Dr. Partha, seminars on Linux and FOSS can be arranged at your institution/organisation. Dr. Partha's seminars are based on well-defined and well focused modules. Each module is of about 90 minutes duration (may be more, in some cases). These modules can be grouped, to create a tutorial of half a day, full day, or two day, duration. You may also include hands-on sessions (provided, you have the required resources). A detailed document on arrangements and resources needed, can be sent to you. Just ask Dr. Partha.
  • Guest lecture -- 1 module
  • Half-day seminar -- 2 modules
  • Full-day seminar -- 3 or 4 modules
  • Two-day seminar -- 6, 7, or 8 modules
Arrangements to be made by the host
A specific proposal, designed to meet your requirements, can be sent to you. Just ask Dr. Partha. A CDROM containing the seminar material (presentation slides), as well as reading material will be given as course handout. You can make copies of this CDROM, for your audience.

Here is a brief description of the modules available:
LEVEL 1 (Absolute novice)
  • LIN001 -- FOSS in education : FOSS offers a convenient, economical, and robust solution to many problems encountered by academic institutions. This lecture aims to sensitise the Management of these institutions to the various possibilities offered by FOSS. This lecture gives a panorama of the various FOSS tools and packages which academic institutions can use.

  • LIN002 -- GNU/Linux, an overview
    A general overview of GNU/Linux. Historical background. Principles. Terminology. How to procure Linux. How to setup/install Linux. Where to get help from. Suitable for absolute beginners.

  • LIN003 -- Opportunities in FOSS
    Why should students learn GNU/Linux ? Why should educational institutions promote GNU/Linux ?

  • LIN004 -- Why is Linux good for me ?
    This is a detailed and commented walkthrough of the CDROM "Why is Linux good for me ?" Participants will have an opportunity to understand the perils of using a propreitary OS. They will also get enough material to get them started on Linux.

  • LIN005 -- Taking the plunge
    In spite of their best intentions, many educational institutions often hesitate to switch over to FOSS, or make only half-hearted, reluctant attempts. Often their discourses end up being just lip-service. This one-day seminar is an attempt to give them the confidence to make the change. This seminar is a combination of the following modules :
    1. LIN002 -- GNU/Linux, an overview
    2. LIN004 -- Why is Linux good for me ?
    3. LIN001 -- FOSS in education :
    4. LIN003 -- Opportunities in FOSS
    This seminar is designed for senior Management of institutions (Principal, Director etc.), and teaching staff who are serious about changing over. The seminar can be the starting point for subsequent hand-holding with Dr. Partha, to implement the change over process.

  • LIN006 -- Linux in a teaspoon
    This 2-day course, is the flagship course of Dr. Partha. Details of the course are available from Dr. Partha

    LEVEL 2 (Started using Linux recently)

  • LIN009 -- Learning GNU/Linux through demos and video tutorials
    A simple way to get an idea about GNU/Linux. Available demos include : Using a live CD (KNOPPIX), walkthrough of an installed system, GUI vs CLI, videos about GNU/Linux. Suitable for absolute beginners. A CDROM containing copies of all videos will be made available.

  • LIN010 -- Linux - jigsaw puzzle.
    Technical overview of the nuts-and-bolts of GNU/Linux. Device naming, file conventions, directory tree, permissions etc. Suitable for a technically knowledgeable audience.

  • LIN011 -- FOSS tools for mathematics
    Mathematics is the unifying basis of all sciences. Participants will get an exposure to some very fine FOSS tools useful for all their mathematical activities. This is a very good starting point for students, teachers and researchers who indulge in mathematics and mathematically oriented activities.

  • LIN012 -- Linux shell scripting
    A knowledge of shell scripting is essential for getting the most out of your Linux machine. This module will give the basics of shell scripting, using plenty of examples. The accompanying handout CDROM will give plenty of reading material on this subject.

  • LIN013 -- Linux tools for software development
    If you are into hardcore software development, as a programmer or as a Project manager, you must learn about the various tools available in the Linux arsenal. You save money, and also develop robust software, when you use these tools.

  • LIN014 -- Linux tools for security and cryptography
    Security is important for every one of us (except those who worship Microsoft). Linux offers many tools for implementing your own security policies. This seminar will give you a feel for tools which can make your life much more pleasant.

  • LIN015 -- Linux tool chains
    Linux offers a whole lot of tools for a whole of activities. In addition to this, Linux gives you the option to choose and mix these tools, using an elaborate mechanism of command chaining.This seminar will take a look at Linux tools from different view points e.g. software developer, sys. administrator, end-user
    • LIN013 -- software development tools
    • LIN017 -- Sys. admin. tools
    • LIN011 -- Tools for mathematics
    • LIN014 -- Security and cryptography tools

    LEVEL 3 (Experienced user, still learning)

  • LIN017 -- Linux system administration
    Everyone of us has come across situations where one has to solve problems encountered while using Linux. A knowledge of the tools available would be of great value to all of us, whether we administer and manage systems for professional reasons or for personal reasons. This module is an excellent place to get to know about system administration.

  • LIN018 -- A closer look at Linux
    Get a hang of working with Linux, through this conducted tour of six Linux utilities: grep, make, find, sed, kill, fsck. This is a good sequel to the shell scripting seminar (see above), and is best suited for the techie user who wants to jump start on his discovery of Linux.

  • LIN019 -- linusability: Linux usability, an introspection
    linusability is a project launched by Dr. Partha, to study the usability aspects of Linux. This talk gives an overview of the issues involved. The project itself is described in its own web page


  • LIN023 -- Demos, hands-on, exercises
    This segment needs to be carefully planned and desgned. It will also require adequate resources in terms of computers (for hands-on) and trained and competent demonstrators/instructors, to assist Dr. Partha. We expect at least 1 demonstrator/ instructor for ten students, and at most two students per computer. The contents will be based on the material already presented in the classroom.

  • LIN024 --Open sesssion, wrap-up, Q&A
    This session will give the participants, an opportunity to raise doubts and queries which they may have. They will also be encouraged to share their experiences.

  • LIN025 --Quiz, self-assessment
    This session will be helpful, to evaluate how much the participants have understood the concepts which were explained earlier in the classroom. The quiz has to be designed on a case-to-case basis, specifically keeping in mind the concepts covered in the classroom, and the background of the particpants.

Other ways to learn Linux from the guru
Arrangements to be made by the host

This is not a contractually binding proposal. A specific proposal and a checklist of arrangements and resources needed, will be sent to you after we receive a formal enquiry from you.

no-gimmicks. frame-free

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