Dr. S. Parthasarathy
Chief Consultant
Algologic Research & Solutions
Secunderabad - INDIA
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Dr. S. Parthasarathy (born 1950) obtained his
Engineering Doctorate (Docteur Ingenieur) in Control Engineering, from the Automatic
Control Laboratory of Grenoble, INPG, France (in 1980). His research work was
rated "excellent, highly commended by the jury" (tres
honorable et les felicitations du jury) , which can also be roughly translated as the Latin Honour : `magna cum laude'
He is a promoter of several Individual Social Responsibility initiatives.
He is an alumnus of:
- 1971 -- Annamalai University, Faculty of Engineering and Technology (B.E., Electrical and Electronics)
- 1973 -- IIT Delhi (M.Tech, Control Engineering and Instrumentation)
IITDelhi Alumni Assoc. Profile (Login with/Facebook/Google/Linkedin)
- 1980 -- Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (now renamed as GIPSA-Lab), Grenoble, France, (1980, Dr.Ing, Automatique)
and has been connected with several institutions world-wide.
He draws his inspiration from two intellectual giants:
Thiruvalluvar, Tamil poet, saint, and author of Thirukkural, the most important literary work in theTamil language. Thirukkural is a collection of 1330 couplets which cover ethics, lifestyle, governance etc.
Rabindranath Tagore, Bengali poet, artist, and composer. Author of Gitanjali and its "profoundly sensitive, fresh and beautiful verse", he became the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913.
Admirer and promoter of :
French language, literature, science, and culture.
Serious promoter and practitioner of :
FOSS and Linux
His belief : Honesty is not a sin
His passion : Free advice and technical assistance for making handicapped - accessible buildings and structures.
His major interest : He is a serious promoter of
eco-friendly, organic horticulture, and creation of
green spaces.
He is a volunteer organ donor :
- Volunteer blood donor and motivator
- Voluntarily donated/pledged his eyes to the
"Eye bank association of India". He has also been instrumental in
organising "eye donation camps" in rural India
- Volunteer "whole body donor". Donated his entire body for
medical research and studies. All his organs can be used for
cadaver transplant, through MOHAN
Foundation -- Multiple Organ Harvesting Network
His favourite hobby : Blowing his own trumpet
Decorated by IEEE
- Award #1 : "for outstanding achievements and contributions"
- Award #2 : "for providing excellent websites for IEEE India Council and other Indian Sections"
- Award #3 : Elevated to the rank of Senior Member, in recognition of Professional standing.
Dr. Partha supports IEEE's code of ethics
More details: Curtain raiser page of drpartha.org.in
Contact : Contact (or visit) Dr. Partha
Trying his hand at the controls
of an electric locomotive, in Austria.

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* Algologic Research and Solutions
* ISR -- Individual Social Responsibility
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* Take my word for it
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* IITDelhi Alumni Assoc. Profile
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* The birth of Dr. Partha
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Simplicity is divine.
E W Dijkstra (1930-2002)